Understand the following before purchasing anything:
All the products you can find here are non-pay-to-win, meaning that you will not gain any non-cosmetic advantage over other players by buying anything on this store. Please only purchase anything if you truly wish to support the server, and don't let HC become a financial burden for you.
You may ask a staff member to ban you from spending money on this store at any time.
When you buy something on this store, understand that you are technically making a purchase of a digital product, NOT being handed a complementary prize for "donating". As such, you are protected by consumer rights.
Charging back a purchase will lead to a ban. A chargeback will not cause us to lose money as we are insured by Tebex Ltd.
Purchasing anything, no matter how much, will not exempt you from punishments or make punishments softer when you break the rules.
If you purchase something, you will be featured as a recent buyer on this site! If you would like to purchase something anoymously, contact us.
We acknowledge that aside from the products here, you may consider HC as having indirectly pay-to-win aspects such as alts being allowed or you may argue that having money to spend on keyalls will statisically make you miss less keyalls. We do not claim that HC as a server. is 100% non-pay-to-win, we only claim that we have a non-pay-to-win store and rank system.
HearthCraft has always been and still is a for-profit project. While we condemn predatory, deceptive, and pay-to-win business, the server owner does profit from the server and spends the money on personal and educational expenses at a university. You are free to instead participate in events that give store credits as a reward if you are not fine with that.
About the server owner
The server owner, commonly called "Si", is studying an undergraduate program for Computer Science at a Philippine state university. While he does not pay any tuition expense and even gets a monthly handout, at times the cost of the following, but not limited to the following, can be excessive:
Accomodation and utility
Materials (books, printing, supplies)
Connectivity/gadget expenses
Software subscriptions
Every month, the server needs to pay $170 to Bloom.host for our 5800X, 2TB SSD machine every 8th of the month, 12.5 GBP on this webstore, $6 for our ticket system, and sometimes a bit more when we buy plugins and other resources or host events that give real money as rewards. That equates to around $200 per month. The dedicated server that we rent is sometimes used for other purposes such as personal Minecraft servers, Discord bots unaffiliated with HC, and websites aside from the official HC one. The profits from this store are partially used to pay for these expenses, and we actively try to optimize the server to lower these expenses.
HearthCraft is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, Tebex Limited any of their affiliates. Contact support@hearthcraft.net for any concerns.
By purchasing anything on this store, it is understood that the buyer is not "donating" and handed out a complementary reward. The buyer is directly purchasing digital products from Tebex Ltd.